Enterprise Risk Management

A Comprehensive Introduction to Managing Cyber Security and Information Security Risks | Download PDF Format

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Gwen Bettwy





About the book

Information and cybersecurity risk management, as a discipline, is assuming greater importance virtually by the day. Insider and outsider threats against information and communications technology infrastructure are an increasing problem for most organizations.

This was enhanced by the COVID-19 pandemic when remote working allowed for more significant threat and vulnerability manifestation as people were allowed to work from home, yet in many cases accessing databases for their work remotely. Another example of this is the protection of passwords using firewalls. In all of this, the premium placed on having good risk management practices speaks for itself.

From this book, the reader will understand the purpose of risk management and its benefits. This book is intended for general cybersecurity and information security professionals. With the knowledge obtained from this book, the reader will carry on conversations about risk management and be more effective at integrating risk management into their business activities.

We cover risk types, risk management frameworks, and risk assessment techniques in quite an amount of detail, as well as other various risk topics.Although many of the principles and approaches covered here are generic, the book is mainly slanted towards managing cybersecurity and information security risks.

 We take an enterprise-wide risk management approach to the issue, as we believe risk management needs to be embedded throughout the organization—horizontally and vertically. We are quite sure that risk management professionals operating in other risk spheres will also find value in this book.

Course Lessons

Gwen Bettwy

Author Gwen Bettwy is known for teaching information security worldwide. When the pandemic halted worldwide travel Gwen went from teaching with (ISC)2, Training Camp, and Firebrand to training here online. More than 7,000 students since 2003 have benefited from how Gwen breaks down complicated topics to understandable pieces.Put Gwen’s experience in your toolbox.